From the course: Typography and Layout: A Practical Guide

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Movie poster: Part 2

Movie poster: Part 2

- [Nigel] Continuing from the previous movie, I'm now going to add the texture. On a separate layer, I have this texture. I'm now going to turn that on and let's just position that so it's over the type if necessary. I can just adjust its size, so that it covers the type completely. I now want to turn off all other layers with the exception of this one. I'll hold down the Option or Alt key and click on its visibility eyeball. Come to the Channels panel, hold down my Command or Control key, click on RGB. That's going to load the gray values of the texture. I can now turn that off. We'll turn back on our layers, target the text layer, and then add that active selection as a layer mask. If we take a look at the Layer Mask option, or Alt and click on it, it looks just like the image, but applied as a mask to the type layer. If you see this where the mask is being shown as a red overlay, press the Back Slash key to…
