From the course: Typography and Layout: A Practical Guide

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- [Narrator] Like newspapers, magazines require a clear hierarchy of information so that the reader can quickly find and navigate what they want to read. The hierarchy will use size and weight, color, spacing, position, and other visual cues like decorative drop caps to indicate the start of an article or section, an ornament or decorative character to indicate the end of an article. It's common in magazine design to combine serif and sans serif typefaces. The typical formula is to use serif for the body text, sans serif for the heads, subheads, sidebars, and captions. This creates both contrast and helps to establish hierarchy. The pages will be designed on a grid, making the layout modular and allowing white space to be incorporated. Here I have a two page spread designed using a 12-column, eight row grid. The grid was created on the parent page spread so that it is visible on all of the document pages. It was…
