From the course: Typography and Layout: A Practical Guide

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Book covers: Part 2

Book covers: Part 2

- [Instructor] The template that I'm using for this book cover is one that I've mocked up, estimating the spine width based on the number of pages and the paper stock that the interior of the book will be printed on. If you're doing this for real, make sure you contact your printer who will probably want to supply you with a template so that you can exactly meet their printing specifications. That template might look something like this. I'm going to turn off trim view so that we can see the bleed. And I'll also turn on my guides command or ctrl + ;. I'll come to my layers panel and I'll create a new layer for the spine. I'll select the title treatment and the author name, and I'm going to copy this to the spine layer. Hold down the optional alt key and drag the square that indicates the selected art to the spine layer. Now, I'm going to lock all the other layers. Holding down my optional alt key or clicking the locking…
