From the course: Troubleshooting and Debugging Kafka

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Overview of the control center

Overview of the control center - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Troubleshooting and Debugging Kafka

Overview of the control center

Now that we've successfully brought up the Confluent platform for local testing and development, let's head over to localhost 9021, which is where we'll be able to work with the Confluent Control Center. The Confluent Control Center is the administrative user interface that you can use to interact with the Confluent platform with Apache Kafka on the platform. By default, we have a single-node cluster with a single broker running and you can see that it's healthy. If you scroll down, you can see the name of the cluster is controlcenter.cluster, and you can see a quick overview of the cluster, including brokers, partitions, topics, and so on. Let's click through and take a look at the details. This will take you to the main landing page and you can use the left navigation pane to actually navigate to the component that you're interested in monitoring. As you can see, we are on the cluster overview page, but you can also dive deeper into brokers, topics, connections that you've set up to…
