From the course: Troubleshooting and Debugging Kafka

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Monitoring brokers

Monitoring brokers

Now that we have a cluster up and running, let's head over to localhost 9021, and hit "Refresh." And there you can see our multi-broker cluster. You can see we have one healthy cluster and if you scroll down here, our controlcenter.cluster has four brokers. Looks like we were successful in setting up this multi broker cluster. Now, I'm going to click through and take a look at this cluster. Notice, under brokers we have a total of four brokers and then there are some production bytes and consumption bytes. These are all to topics internal to Confluent. So we can just ignore this. Let's click through to brokers. You can see the partitioning and replication of the 60 topics that we have. And if you scroll down to the bottom, you'll be able to see a bunch of other details for the brokers. The active controller, the main broker is the broker with ID 0. ZooKeeper is also running. If you scroll to the very bottom here, that's where we'll see the entries for each individual broker. In our…
