From the course: Troubleshooting and Debugging Kafka

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Creating streams and tables using ksqlDB

Creating streams and tables using ksqlDB - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Troubleshooting and Debugging Kafka

Creating streams and tables using ksqlDB

In this demo, we'll see how you can work with ksqlDB on the Confluent Control Center. Now, ksqlDB is actually a stream processing engine. ksqlDB extends the Kafka Streams API by allowing you to query and analyze streams using just SQL queries. ksqlDB actually runs on top of Kafka streams and it allows you to build applications that can consume, process, and produce data streams in real-time. ksqlDB is not a monitoring tool, it's not a debugging tool. It's actually an engine that you'll use to process your streams. This is what you'll use to build streaming applications. But the use of ksqlDB within the Control Center gives you a great way to quickly run queries on your streams to see if your data looks okay, whether the joint operations that you may be performing work okay, and a whole bunch of other things. So it can also be used as a debugging and troubleshooting tool. Before we use ksqlDB, here, I am in the "Connect," page and I'm going to click through to the…
