From the course: Troubleshooting and Debugging Kafka

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Consumer groups

Consumer groups

We are going to be working with consumer groups next. So let's quickly refresh what consumer groups are all about. Now, as the name suggests, consumer groups refer to a set of consumers who work together, who cooperate to consume data from one or more topics. In a production environment, your topic is likely to contain more than one partition. The partitions of your topic will be divided amongst the consumers in a consumer group. Essentially, this serves as load balancing for your data. Each consumer will read only from a specified set of partitions and will always read from the same partitions that are assigned to that consumer. Now, it's quite possible that over time, the consumers in your group keep changing. They might be new consumers that arrive and join the group, and old consumers might leave the group and Kafka takes care of these situations. The partitions in your topic will be reassigned amongst the current consumer group members. This reassignment of partitions when the…
