From the course: Troubleshooting and Debugging Kafka

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Configuring email settings for alerts

Configuring email settings for alerts - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Troubleshooting and Debugging Kafka

Configuring email settings for alerts

In the previous movie, we saw how we could configure alerts, but that alert didn't really send an email because we didn't have that set up. Let's set that up in this demo. I have my four-broker cluster up and running. It's healthy. Let's click through, and I'm going to configure yet another alert, an alert for something else that I want to monitor in my cluster. Click on the "Alerts" tab and let's head over to "Triggers" where we'll configure a new trigger. Click on the "New trigger" button right here. Now, I'm curious to see whether my partitions are under replicating. So my trigger is going to be called under_replication because that's what it will be configured to detect. The component type is cluster. The cluster ID is the cluster that we're currently using. Now under criteria, select the metric for under replicated topic partitions. This is what will occur when our broker goes down. Now, if under replicated topic partitions is greater than 0, we want to be alerted. Go ahead and…
