From the course: Tracking, Measuring, and Reporting Your DEI Efforts

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The importance of tracking and measuring DEI

The importance of tracking and measuring DEI

- In recent years, more and more companies have embarked on their DE and I journeys as the world has experienced significant changes in the workforce, the marketplace, and in communities they serve. As a result, the business case is clearer and more compelling, and companies realize that they've got a lot of work to do regarding assessing and measuring the impact of their DE and I efforts. It's not enough to tout your efforts if you cannot demonstrate how they're contributing to your organization's success. You have to be intentional about the metrics that you use. In other words, you need to measure what matters because what gets measured, gets done, and what gets measured, gets treasured. In my experience, companies often track the conventional measurements of representation such as counting the number of people who belong to certain diverse groups like women, BIPOC, that is Black, Indigenous, and other people of…
