From the course: Tracking, Measuring, and Reporting Your DEI Efforts

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Development, advancement, and retention

Development, advancement, and retention

- As a woman and a person of color, I worked for companies where I experienced being overlooked and underdeveloped as well as not receiving support from my own boss. Needless to say, I became disengaged and ultimately left that company for a better opportunity. Unfortunately, my story is the story of many today. One of the most common reasons that workers report leaving their jobs is the lack of development and advancement opportunities. When my firm analyzes the data from the many DEI audits and staff surveys we conduct, we find even higher numbers exist among minority and underrepresented talent, of 10 to 15% higher on average, who report a lack of development and advancement opportunities. Additionally, they report higher levels of pay disparities. Moreover, research reveals that women are still experiencing slower promotion rates than men. Women of color continue to lose ground at every step of the promotion pipeline…
