From the course: Tracking, Measuring, and Reporting Your DEI Efforts

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Avoiding common mistakes in DEI measurement

Avoiding common mistakes in DEI measurement

- You've put the D E I strategy in place, socialized it across the organization, got buy-in from key leaders and staff. You've begun to realize some successes and you tracked it on your DE and I scorecard and dashboard. Congratulations. You ought to be commended. Now, what you don't want to do is undermine your success by making some of the common D E I metrics mistakes. Let me share with you a few examples that I've made in my D E I career in hopes that you can avoid them. Creating the D E and I goals in a vacuum and not including the key stakeholders. Without including them upfront makes it difficult to get buy-in and long-term commitment for resources. Measuring components that aren't aligned with company goals, strategy, and business needs. Remember to measure what matters to your leaders. Tracking and measuring too many metrics with no actions. Simply throwing a bunch of numbers at your leaders won't impress them.…
