From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing

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Write to influence or inform

Write to influence or inform

- To get results in business writing, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish. If you're not clear about your purpose for writing, you might confuse your reader or lose the opportunity to get what you need or want. Your primary purpose for writing always falls into one of two categories. You're either writing to influence your reader to do something. This is also known as persuasive writing. Or you're writing to inform your reader about something. If you're writing to inform, you're not asking the reader to take any kind of immediate action. So for each document, it's essential that you make just one purpose the primary purpose. Here are some examples of writing to influence. The writer is trying to get the reader to do something. Call me to discuss a new engagement. Please follow the new process. Here are examples of writing to inform. I'm sharing information. I'm not trying to get the reader to do something right now. There is more information available on the website…
