From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing

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Use visuals to support your writing

Use visuals to support your writing

From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing

Use visuals to support your writing

- We live in a very visual world, it might be okay to send an email without any visual elements, but if you're writing a proposal, report, memo or presentation, don't overlook the importance of visual appeal. In your toolkit are pictures, it could be stock photos, your own photos, illustrations, graphs, essentially, a collection of data points plotted in relation to each other. Pie charts, a circular type of graph. Tables, data presented in rows and columns, diagrams, a representation that shows how something works, a process map, or flow chart, or an infographic, they're all examples of diagrams. Let's not forget that lists add a kind of visual element too. When I lead workshops, I have my participants take a paragraph from a document they've written, something that includes data, and tell the story visually. For example, let's imagine that you're writing a report to share Employee Satisfaction Survey results. You could narrate in paragraph form, describing which indicators moved in…
