From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing

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Use active language in your writing

Use active language in your writing

From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing

Use active language in your writing

- Passive voice can weaken your writing, confuse your readers, and make your sentences longer. In contrast, active voice focuses your reader's attention and increases the impact of your message. In active voice, the actor is defined and comes before the action. To use active voice, say who acts, and not just what the action is. Here's an example of active voice. John managed the project. And here's an example of passive voice. The project was managed. Another example in passive voice. The design document has been submitted by the team. With passive voice, we have to wait to find out who did it. Here's that sentence written in active voice. The team submitted the design document. There are some situations where we use passive voice intentionally. For example, we use it when we don't know who the actor is or when we don't want to name, or we want to hide the actor. For example, the door was left open last night. I might very well know that Judy left the door open, but I'm not willing to…
