From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing

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Make your most important point clear when writing

Make your most important point clear when writing

From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing

Make your most important point clear when writing

- Are you familiar with the journalistic triangle? Just picture an inverted triangle. The widest part of the triangle is at the top. This is the way journalists are taught to write. When they write up a news story, they present the most important points at the beginning of the message. The less important bits follow. We should write like that at work. Remember that your reader is busy. Your job as the writer is to make it easy for them to get what they need and move on. Remember that business writing is different than academic writing or any other type of writing. It might've been okay to put the most important message at the end when we were in school but in business writing, we always put the most important message at the beginning. In a clear, easy-to-read document, the most important message is written as a single sentence, also known as a key sentence. The key sentence is the one you would shout out if you only had three seconds to get your message across. It might be, "We are…
