From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Wrapping up

Wrapping up

(peaceful music) - Congratulations, you have completed Writing Mastery, Foundations of Writing Great Fiction! - We hope you had fun, wrote a lot, and are now inspired to continue your journey writing more great fiction. - We realize we've given you tons of information and ideas in this course. A college student would probably learn in three months what you've learned in just a few hours. - So try not to feel too overwhelmed. Don't feel like you have to remember everything you have learned. You can always come back to a particular lecture or prompt or PDF handout to remind yourself of certain things. - Like if you're struggling with the setting of a story or novel that you're working on, you can go back and just re-watch the setting lectures. - Or if you can't quite figure out how to finish your book or your story, you can dip back into the lectures on plot and see if they can help you. - One key thing to remember is don't be so hard on yourself. Fiction writing is supposed to be fun…
