From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Who is telling the the story? (foundation)

Who is telling the the story? (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Who is telling the the story? (foundation)

- I can't believe it. We're already onto our third foundational block of great fiction - Yep, so far we've talked about foundational block number one, character. - Then, in the last section, we talked about how to write dialogue. - And in this section, we're going to talk about another fundamental building block for writing great fiction. Drum roll. - [Both] Point of view. - But what exactly do we mean by point of view? Well, it simply refers to who is telling the story. - The good news about point of view is there are different options. - It's like going into the ice cream shop and seeing all the different flavors laid out in front of you. There's dark chocolate, vanilla, cookie dough. - Strawberry. - Cookies and cream. - Stop, we have to focus. - Okay, let's dive straight in and discuss the options available regarding who is telling the story. - [Red-Haired Woman] There are three main types of point of view, which is also called narrative voice. And in this lecture, we're going to…
