From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Unreliable narrator (advanced)

Unreliable narrator (advanced)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Unreliable narrator (advanced)

(pleasant music) - Hey, Jess, do you know that I once swam with sharks? - You did? - Actually, I didn't. - Wait, what? - You know what, I did. - Wait, I thought you just said you didn't. - I'm not very reliable, am I? - What? Oh, I get it, you're being an unreliable narrator. - Ding, ding. Unreliable narrators, that's exactly what this lecture is all about. - And this is definitely an advanced lecture. So, if you want to skip over this one for now and go on with the rest of the course, that's totally fine. - You can always come back to learn more about unreliable narrators at a later time. - So, what exactly is an unreliable narrator? - The easy and simple answer is that an unreliable narrator is generally a first-person narrator who is, well, unreliable. - [Jess] In other words, we don't know whether or not what they're saying is true, or even if the entire story they're telling is true. - [Jo] Of course, as the writing teacher, Valerie Vogrin, points out, in a sense, all…
