From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Uniqueness (advanced)

Uniqueness (advanced)

(upbeat instrumental music) - So in this section we've been talking about how to create compelling characters. - First we talked about describing a character's appearance. - Then in the second lecture, we talked about how characters think and how that shapes who they are. - Right. And in the last two lectures, we talked about what characters do, or how they act, and also what their goals or desires are. - In this advanced lecture, we're going to talk about a way to delve deeper into the creation of your fictional characters. If you feel like you'd rather move on to the next topic, then once again, feel free to skip those advanced lectures on character, and maybe come back to them at another time. - And if you're staying with us, hooray. The next few lectures are all about how to make your characters even more compelling and zingy. - Zingy? - Yeah, you know, zinginess. Like, a character just zings because they're so memorable and fascinating. - Zingy. I like it. - One of the key ways…
