From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Unfamiliar settings (foundation)

Unfamiliar settings (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Unfamiliar settings (foundation)

- Jess, can you think of a time when you were in a new place? - Yeah, when I went junior year abroad to Paris. - And how did it feel when you first arrived, I mean? - Well, it was kind of scary. I mean, everything's so different but it was also exciting. - So do know where you were? - Yeah, I said I was in Paris. - But basically, you were in a brand new setting. - Oh yeah, I guess I was in an unfamiliar setting. So in our last lecture, we began talking about setting, and in particular, we talked about the places our characters live or belong. - But in this lecture, we're going to talk about places our characters don't belong. In many stories and books, our most beloved characters end up in new worlds or in places that are very unfamiliar to them. - This is what often makes us love particular stories so much. We really enjoy seeing a character entering into a whole new world or setting and trying to figure out how it all works and what it's about. In short, we love seeing a fish out of…
