From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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The two types of dialogue (foundation)

The two types of dialogue (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

The two types of dialogue (foundation)

(light music) - Guess what? - What? - We get to talk about talking again. - I love it. So in our first lecture about dynamic dialogue, we talked about how to avoid writing dialogue that is too fake or too realistic. - Dialogue that hits just the right mark between too fake and too realistic is always more interesting and believable for the reader and therefore, it makes better fiction. - Another way to write dynamic dialogue and to keep your readers engaged is to - Mix it up. - But what do we mean by this? Do we mean simply mixing up what people say? - No, of course not. After all, it's kind of obvious that characters have to say different things throughout the course of the story, otherwise the characters would just be repeating themselves over and over again. - Yawn. - So what do we mean then, when we're saying mixing up dialogue? - We mean mixing up the way the dialogue is conveyed or written. - Confused? Don't be, this is what we'll be explaining in this lecture. - In fiction…
