From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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The story skeleton (foundation)

The story skeleton (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

The story skeleton (foundation)

(electronic music) - Well, I can't believe it. We're on our last foundational block for writing great fiction. - But this is definitely a case of last, but not least. - Definitely. The following lectures are all about that extremely important element of fiction, plot. - [British Woman] That's right. The characters represent who is in the story, the dialog is what those characters say, setting is where the story takes place, the point of view is who is telling the story, and the narrative style is how the story is told. - [Jessica] And finally, we get to plot, which is, of course what happens in the story. - [British Woman] And the structure of a plot is basically the order in which you tell the events of the story. - Structure is very important. It's why I'm currently writing an entire book about plot and structure, called Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, which will be released in the fall of 2018, and it's why we're going to spend this whole section of the course talking about it. - Did…
