From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Tense (foundation)

Tense (foundation)

(light electronic music) - In the last section about point of view, we talked about the decisions you can make about who tells the story you're writing. - We looked at first person point of view, where the main character tells the story. - We discussed second person, where the story is being told about a you, which can either be the reader or another character. - And we talked about third person, where a narrator outside of the characters tells the story. - And if you are on our advanced track, we also discussed the idea of unreliable narrators, where the person telling the story might not be telling the whole truth. - So, we've definitely covered many of the options regarding who can tell a story, but in this section, we're going to look at how the story can be told. - In other words, we're going to talk about narrative style. This is just a fancy term to talk about how a book or piece of fiction is told or narrated. - [Joanne] For example, in this lecture, we're going to talk about…
