From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Putting it all together (foundation)

Putting it all together (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Putting it all together (foundation)

(electronic music) - Three is the magic number when it comes to stories. - And over the last three lectures, we have looked at the three magical parts, or acts, of a plot. - [Jo] Act one, set up. - [Jessica] Act two, journey and conflict. - [Jo] And act three, resolution. - [Jessica] We talked about how these three acts make up the skeleton that is inside all stories, including modern stories, like Harry Potter or The Martian, and even ancient ones, like The Odyssey. - [Jo] We saw how, in the set up part of the story, we set up the character, their life, their world; and most importantly, we showed that something about the character or their world needs to change. It's a character who has a big problem. - [Jessica] Next, we talked about the second act of the story, the journey and conflict, where the character goes on some type of journey, tries something new, and where he or she must face and solve increasingly tricky problems. - And finally, in act three, the story's resolution, the…
