From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Zoom in and zoom out (foundation)

Mini lecture: Zoom in and zoom out (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Zoom in and zoom out (foundation)

(enchanted starry music) - So this is our Zoom In, Zoom Out prompt, where we got assigned lots of random things. We got assigned two random characters and a random topic of conversation. And then we had to make it all work by blending together summarizing dialogue and direct dialogue. So Joe, what were your random things that you got? - Well, I got the talking horse, a policeman, and a new movie. They were talking about a new movie. - Oh my gosh, okay, let's see how you do. - Okay. Officer McFry and his horse Jeb stood at the corner of 45th and Broadway. The lights of Midtown dazzled and blinked all around them, while cabs and cars roared and honked passed Officer McFry and Jeb were unfazed. They stood here most days, after all. They liked standing here, in fact. It gave them a chance to talk. "But I really want to see it," Jeb said. His voice was a little muffled as he had to talk through his bit when they were on duty. "Sorry buddy," Officer McFry replied, "No can do." He explained,…
