From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: You should listen to me (advanced)

Mini lecture: You should listen to me (advanced)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: You should listen to me (advanced)

(upbeat music) - So this is the you should listen to me second person prompt, where we had one person telling another person what they should do. Which of the pairings did you pick, Jess? - I picked an editor, A, telling an author, B, what's wrong with her book. - Oh my, little close to home maybe? - Well, yeah I mean my editor's nothing like this I should just say, she's a lovely person. So, I just really wanted to have fun with it. But here's the thing, I've never written in second person narrative. - Oh you haven't? - So this was really interesting for me. So here's what I wrote, let's think of this as more of a conversation than a notes call, okay? Don't think of me as an editor, but more of a friend. A friend who just happens to have worked with some of the most famous authors in the world, and who clearly knows more about books than you do, no offense. But you are a beginner, this is your first novel. Let's start with your strengths, you clearly know how to write a lot of words,…
