From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: What needs fixing (advanced)

Mini lecture: What needs fixing (advanced)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: What needs fixing (advanced)

(soothing electronic music) - So this was the What Needs Fixing prompt, which is kind of similar to the What Do They Want prompt, where we got a random character and a random goal. - Right. - In this one, we got a random character and a random flaw. And then we had to write a scene where they were, kind of acting out that flaw, where that flaw was kind of manifesting. So, what did you get? - I got the professor who is lazy. - Oh, Gosh. I don't want a professor who's lazy. - No, exactly. So here's mine. Oh, goodness. The lecture is in two hours and I haven't written one note, not one. Why do I always get myself into these situations? I mean, all I have to do is a close read of the second section of James Joyce's 'Ulysses' and then make some interesting observations to wow the students and show them who's boss. But, oh, what a drag. I'd rather just stay here in the bath, soaking in these honey and almond scented bubbles. That's funny. - Is he in the bath with my garbage collector? - I…
