From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: What do they want (foundation)

Mini lecture: What do they want (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: What do they want (foundation)

(gentle music) - Welcome to our next mini lecture. This is where we're going to read our prompts for "What do They Want", which is the prompt for goal or desire. So we got assigned a random character and a random goal. - Right. - Then we had to write a scene of them acting upon the goal. - Right. - So, what did you get assigned? - Well, I got assigned the 99 year-old woman who wants to find her missing mother. - How - - Yeah. - Okay, we'll see. - See what I did. - I'm going to see what you did with that, I'm very curious. - Okay. The problem is, when you're 99 years old, everyone pretty much thinks you're crazy. Or maybe not crazy, but just senile. You tell someone you lost your keys and they look at you with that look, that alarmed look, and start shooting in you questions, "What's the president's name?" "What year are we in, Sweetie?" Don't even get me started on why, when you hit 90, everyone starts calling you "Sweetie" again, just like they did when you were five. But I digress…
