From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Two characters, one point of view (foundation)

Mini lecture: Two characters, one point of view (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Two characters, one point of view (foundation)

(calm music) - So, this is the two characters, one point of view prompt. It was close third person - Right. - where we had to write from one person's point of view, while implying what the other person was thinking. - Right. - So, Jo, which one did you choose? - Well, I chose Alex, who was mad at his wife for forgetting the birthday. And, she is actually pretending she forgot, cause she's organizing a surprise party. - Oh great, OK. - That one. OK, so, "Anything you need from the store, sweetie?" Alex looked up from the paper. Did she really just ask him that, the store? She was going to the store now? She really did have no clue, did she? "No, nothing." He couldn't help his tone being gruff and short. What had happened to him being king, king of the day? That was how they'd always done it for years, for 45 years. And, on her birthday, she was queen of the day. He would always make her breakfast in bed, with a rose in her favorite crystal glass, english breakfast tea, just the way she…
