From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Trust me, I'm lying (advanced)

Mini lecture: Trust me, I'm lying (advanced)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Trust me, I'm lying (advanced)

So, this was the trust me, I'm lying prompt. All about unreliable narrators. Jo, what did you pick? - I picked the woman who'd been trying to get pregnant and goes to the friend's baby shower. - Oh, ouch. - Yeah. - Is it sad? - A little bit sad. - Okay, let's hear it. - "Oh Bella, they're beautiful," "just look at the darling little booties" "and I love how they match the tiny little hat." "Would she really be that small?" Jenna rubs her round belly in big exaggerated circles, like she's highlighting her pregnancy with a big fat highlighter pen for all to see. She just feels so big in here. All the other women laugh, not me. I tried to laugh, but it comes out more like a cough. Without thinking, I'm certain Arlene and Sally inch away from me on the couch. Both covering their nursing babies' heads. No doubt these kids will get horribly sick, instantly sick from my dirty, terrible barren woman germs. Jenna is squealing again, opening yet another present wrapped in shining, blinding pink…
