From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Too much information (foundation)

Mini lecture: Too much information (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Too much information (foundation)

(anticipatory music) - So this is our Too Much Information prompt where we were going to write really bad descriptions of characters. - I did that good. (laughing) I did that well. - You did that well. - I did that well. Which character did you write about? - I got the lady of the 18th century French court. - Which is one of your favorite eras. - It is and I found it incredibly hard to describe a lady of the 18th century French court. But I did it very badly so-- - Well that's good, you did the prompt good. - I did the prompt right. - Yeah - Okay, so here's my bad too much information description. I was just eating my granola when a woman walked into my living room. She definitely didn't look like she belonged in my living room or any living room for that matter. She was clearly from another time. She wore a huge, blue, sparkly, layered, twirly skirt-dress with long sleeves, a low-cut neckline, diamond studded hems. I don't know if dresses have diamond studded hems, but whatever-- -…
