From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Slow it down (foundation)

Mini lecture: Slow it down (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Slow it down (foundation)

(cheerful soft music) - Welcome to the prompt called, Slow it Down! In this prompt, we got a sentence that described something, summarized something, and we had to basically show it instead of tell it. - Yeah, slow it down. - Yeah, we had to slow it down, zoom in. Okay, so which one did you get? - Well, I chose the alien landing in the girl's backyard. - Okay. - I'll just tip you off here. I didn't actually get to the alien. I was so busy setting up the alien coming, so, you know, maybe another time I'll add more to this. - If you had a little more time, yeah. - Okay, so, the tall cedar trees, which just a moment before had been stone still, now pulsed and pushed and swelled in the sudden gusts of wind. The clouds high above seemed to move faster, too. Then the lights came, flashing and blinding through the dancing leaves. Emma stepped back, her bare feet pushing into the dry spiky grass. "Here they come," she whispered to the moving air, which now smelled strangely of lollipops and…
