From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Singing (or crying) in the rain (advanced)

Mini lecture: Singing (or crying) in the rain (advanced)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Singing (or crying) in the rain (advanced)

(gentle music) - [Dark Haired Woman] Welcome to our mini lecture. This is where we're going to read you guys our prompts on singing or crying in the rain. This is where we got a random situation/scenario of a person and we had to describe what they were like in the rain. - [Joe] Right. - I think the prompt officially said that they were supposed to be walking home, but I kind of forgot that. (laughing) I just have-- - What did you do? - I just have my person leaving their house, and it's raining. - Oh, okay. - But what we try to do in this one since we notice that Joe always writes in third person, I always write in first person cause that's where we're most familiar, we decided to challenge ourselves and switch. - Right, so I wrote in first person for this one. - Yeah and I wrote in third. So I got randomly someone who just got off the phone with tech support. And I felt like this was really easy for me to do because I get very frustrated with tech support. - Right, right, right. -…
