From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Not your average story (advanced)

Mini lecture: Not your average story (advanced)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Not your average story (advanced)

- So this was the not your average story prompt, where we got a random scenario, and then a random format, that we had to tell the scenario in, like an email, or a text message, or whatever. So, what were your random selections? - So, I got the overly stressed woman going to a meditation retreat, and she has to tell it in emails. - Oh, that sounds good. - I'm quite relieved to get emails; I thought, well at least I know about emails. - You do email a lot. - Yeah, exactly. So, to, from Daisy, are you there? Why are you not replying to my emails? Do you know how hard it is for me to get online at this godforsaken place? (laughing) I have to climb up to the top of the zen garden, bloody zen garden, and hide behind the oak tree, and even then the signal slips in and out, so please reply to my emails immediately. You need to come and get me. I cannot stay here one more minute. If I have to listen to a gong clanging or my fellow retreatants…
