From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Five surprises (advanced)

Mini lecture: Five surprises (advanced)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Five surprises (advanced)

(gentle music) - So this is the prompt where we were going to make a list of five surprises about more stereotypical characters. So Jess, which kind of stereotype character did you get? - I got the garbage collector. - Which of course if it was stereotyping, we would probably think he was like dirty, kind of likes sports. - Yeah. - You know like manly man. So what was the five traits that you came up with? - So the five surprises that I thought might make a garbage collector unique. The first was he's afraid of loud noises. (laughs) 'Cause garbage trucks are so loud. - So loud. - Can you imagine having to go to work and be afraid of... - Your job, basically. - Poor guy. - Yeah, I also thought he loves to read French poetry. - Oh, wow, now that is surprising. I wouldn't imagine that at all. - Very surprising. He doesn't recycle. (gasp) I know. I don't know any garbage collectors, but I would think that they'd be very firm about recycling, because you know, that's a part of their job…
