From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Mini lecture: Build a living room (foundation)

Mini lecture: Build a living room (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Mini lecture: Build a living room (foundation)

(light music) - So this prompt was called build a living room and Jess and I had a lot of fun with this one. If you remember, we initially put five things into the room. We had an old fashioned record player, a dog bed. - A bucket of snails. Um the. - A copy of Petite Prince. In French. - In French. A broken vacuum cleaner and then what five did you add Jess? - So after that I added a check book, a burned down candle, an unpacked moving box, a bucket of cleaning products and a tool box. - Oh interesting. - Yeah. And so um... - And so, what did you do with your... - Well I figured. With your prompt. - Yeah, I figured somebody. You know what, I won't even tell you who I put in. - Yeah okay. - Because um. We'll just... - Maybe you'll figure it out Okay. - From the prompt. Okay so I wrote Cheetos! Cheetos, come here and help me. Come here and help me and watch your old papa make a bookshelf. I lower the tool box in my hand and with a grunt. Just as Cheetos, my toy poodle, runs into the…
