From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Goals (foundation)

Goals (foundation)

(gentle music) - Jo, remember that game we played a few lectures back, where you had to guess to guess what I was thinking? - Oh yes, we're not going to play that again, it was impossible. - Well this time we're going to do it a little differently. This time I'm going to guess what you are thinking. - Okay, you can give it a try. - Okay, so start thinking. Your thinking about a pair of silver sneakers you want to buy. - Wait, how did you know that? - Well, I kind of cheated, I saw you looking at them on a website earlier. - Oh, busted. - But what was really telling, and how I was able to tell what you were thinking, is because it was about something you desire. - True. Like most of us, we spend a lot of time dreaming about things we would like, and not just things or possessions, but also about what we would want to do, our dreams, our aspirations. It's totally human. - Oh, I see where we're going here. Desires and goals. - Exactly, compelling characters in fiction always want…
