From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Flaws (advanced)

Flaws (advanced)

(light music) - Let's play psychiatrist office again. - Ooh, is it like the Freudian couch and the free association, again? - Not quite. This time I want you to tell me something you'd really like to fix about yourself. Not physical appearance, like oh I really want belly dancer ankles. - Belly dancer ankles? - It's a thing. - Okay, hmm. - I'm thinking more along the lines of a psychological change. Should I go first? - Sure. - Okay, so I was thinking how something that I'd like to fix is that I really don't like conflict. I tend to shy away when things get tense. I think it's the Brit in me. - Yeah, it must be. Although, I'm kind of like that, too. Okay, for me, I would say I think I'm too quick to judge, like situations and people, I sometimes will judge too quickly and then regret it later. - I don't think you're alone there. I think quite a lot of us are quick to judge including, as we'll see shortly, some of our favorite characters in books, and the point here is that all of us…
