From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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First person (foundation)

First person (foundation)

(peaceful music) - Jess, what point of view do you like to write in? - Well, I've written in both third and first person, but I have to say first person's my favorite. - And why? - I just think it's more personal. It's like the main character's actually telling you a story. - And in your books, you have lots of I's and me's, but this stuff didn't really happen to you, did it? - Oh, gosh. I hope not. I wrote a book about a girl who survives a plane crash and has no memories and also a book about a teen heiress who is supposed to inherit $25 million. That didn't happen to me. - That didn't happen to you. But because you use first person, you were allowed to get inside their head and tell a story from their point of view. - Yeah, and it's really fun to really get inside the character's head and kind of talk like they would talk and tell the story how they would tell it. - [Speaker 1] A story or book written from the first person point of view, therefore, is a story told by the main…
