From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Familiar settings (foundation)

Familiar settings (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Familiar settings (foundation)

(bubbly piano music) - There's no place like home, right Jo? - Definitely not. You can go on the most amazing trips. - Like to the Caribbean, and drink cocktails on the beach. - Or to Paris and eat croissants as you walk along the banks of the Seine. - Yeah, but then you come home and it's really great, right? - Your own bed, your own kitchen, your own things. - Tea, just the way you like it. - Our homes feel good because they are familiar, known. In short, they are us. - And this is true for characters in fiction too. Their homes or familiar places, reflect who they are. - Where a character lives, or belongs, can tell us a lot about them. - And so creating believable and well drawn familiar settings for the characters in your fiction writing is a really important skill to learn and develop. - [Jo] Familiar settings don't just have to be the character's home, of course. Familiar settings could include their workplace, their friend's house, their parents' house, their backyard, their…
