From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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(introspective music) - So we talked at the beginning of the last lecture about our own flaws. I talked about how I tend to shy away from conflict. - And I talked about how I can be too quick to judge, just like Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. - And when we talked about these flaws, we talked about them as things we'd ideally like to fix or change. - Right, because, let's face it, we'd all probably like to deal with conflict a little better, or be less quick to judge. Or less angry. - Or shy. - Or anxious. - Or lazy. - Or impulsive. - Or scared of spiders! - Or snakes. - Whatever our flaws, or faults, or phobias are, we probably would like to change, or at least work toward changing them. - And that's why we love fictional characters so much, because they do change. The characters we particularly remember and adore are characters who clearly go on some kind of change journey. They start out in one place and end up in another. - And we don't mean geographically, although…
