From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Appearance (foundation)

Appearance (foundation)

(chiming music) - Hey, Jess, I've got a game for us. - Oh, I love games, as long as I win. - Well, it might be hard to win this one. It's a free association game. You know, like when you're on Sigmund Freud's couch and he's getting you to say the first things that come into your mind. - Yeah, just like I'm on on Sigmund Freud's couch. - Well, it's a little different. I'm going to throw some book titles at you, books I know you love. And you have to say the first thing that comes into your mind. - I can do that. - Okay. So, here's the first one. You ready? - Yeah. - Okay, it's Room by Emma Donoghue. - Uh, the little boy, Jack. - Okay. And the next one is Withering Heights. - Heathcliff. - Oh, yes, Heathcliff. Um, and the final one is the Martian by Andy Weir. - (gasps) Mark Watney. - (gasps) It worked. - What worked? - Well, did you notice that every book that I mentioned you mentioned a character from the book? - Oh, you're right, I guess the character's the first thing I think of…
