From the course: The Digital Transformation of Learning

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More customized, collaborative learning

More customized, collaborative learning

From the course: The Digital Transformation of Learning

More customized, collaborative learning

- Do you listen to music as you work out? If you do, you're using technology to meet you where you're at, you want that music to customize your experience. It's similar with digital learning, like that playlist of tunes you crank as you work out, digital learning has the ability to fit a learner's wants and needs. When it comes to customized learning, K through 12 education is more advanced than corporate learning. For example my daughter's seven and she's been doing customized digital learning for two years, her reading level is assessed using a diagnostic tool and based on those results, her teachers recommend books and articles from the appropriate level of a leveled reading program. There are a ton of stories for each level and she reads the ones that match her interest. Technology allows us to tailor educational material to a learner's wants a needs and because of that, they're more engaged and dig deeper into the content, it totally makes sense doesn't it? Corporate education is…
