From the course: The Digital Transformation of Learning

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Going digital with social learning

Going digital with social learning

- Imagine you see me walk into your favorite coffee shop on Saturday morning. The place isn't super busy yet, and surprisingly, you're not pressed for time. You come up to me and say, hey Daniel, I dug your course on digital learning. And then I'd say, well that's cool. What did you find the most helpful thing about it? We sit down and talk for a few minutes. We sip our coffee. You learn from me as I share the experiences that inspired the course. I learn from you as you talk about what you found helpful in the opportunities to apply digital learning at your company. The training industry would call our conversation an example of social learning. In the context of digital learning, social learning happens when a space is created online, and people come into that space to share knowledge. To post and respond to questions. To share resources and best practices. There are two basic platforms where digital social learning takes place. There are internal social platforms, where employees…
