From the course: The Digital Transformation of Learning

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Digitizing instructor-led training

Digitizing instructor-led training

- How many instructional designers does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to do it, and the other to point out all the ways it could've been done better. Which is to say, your ideas on how to digitize training are just as valid as mine. Okay, in the example, I see two pieces of low-hanging fruit that call for digital treatment, that icebreaker, and all that content that deals with the company history, values, and the construction process. Getting-to-know-you exercises can loosen a class up for sure, but they can also be awkward time sucks, so I'd suggest having this icebreaker as pre-work, and then moving it to the company internal website. Besides creating a less awkward way to share personal information, it also signals to new employees that the company is serious about digital communication. The instructor could still run a condensed version of the activity in class if they wanted. Next up, all that content that deals with the company history, values, and how the…
