From the course: The Data Science of Healthcare, Medicine, and Public Health

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Next steps and additional resources

Next steps and additional resources

- [Barton] I'm glad that you've joined me for this course on data science in healthcare, medicine, and public health, and hopefully you've learned some really useful things. On the other hand, this course was a map, it was just an overview of the territory covered by these topics, and maybe you want to know now where should you go next, now where? Well, let me make a few recommendations, one is, if you were coming from the data science world and you were trying to learn more about healthcare, then I have some suggestions for you. On the other hand, if you were coming from the healthcare world and you were trying to learn more about data science, again, it's going to be a slightly different journey, but for either one, I strongly recommend that you start by finding topics, see where the need is, what are people doing in the areas that are of greatest interest to you, read the news, read blogs, join data and health forums…
