From the course: The Data Game of Fantasy Football

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Wins and playoffs

Wins and playoffs

- [Instructor] So, you want to make the playoffs. Big question is how many wins do you need to make the playoffs? It really does depend. Sometimes you have a few dominant teams. Sometimes all the teams are really equal. Sometimes you have one or two teams that are just terrible. And in some seasons, there are a number of really close games which could skew wins and losses in odd ways. In other words, the league's level of parity can make a big difference. That said, I did a bit of research on my 12-team league in which we play 13 regular season games. As you can see, teams with nine plus wins always made it to the playoffs. Teams with eight plus wins made it 85% of the time if four teams went to the playoffs and 100% of the time when six or more teams went to the playoffs, again, in a 12-team league. And even teams with six wins had a small chance if six teams went to the playoffs. Again, this is not exactly scientific, but it does provide us some guidance. In general, in a 13-week…
