From the course: The Data Game of Fantasy Football

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Types of drafts: Snake vs. straight

Types of drafts: Snake vs. straight

From the course: The Data Game of Fantasy Football

Types of drafts: Snake vs. straight

- [Instructor] Picking your players, it's your most important function as a fantasy football owner. The two most basic methods for drafting players, a Straight Draft or a Snake Draft. In a Straight Draft, each team drafts in the same order every round. Here are the draft slots for the team with the first draft position, and the for team with the last draft position in a 10 team league. The first team drafts first, 11th, 21st, and so on. The last team drafts 10th, 20th, 30th, etc. It's a huge advantage for the team that picks first. Why? Well in a 10 team, 15 round draft, the average draft position for the team that picks first, is 71, versus 80 for the team that picks 10th. Lets compare that to the much more fair Snake Draft. In this draft, the order of the draft reverses or snakes, in each round. In a 10 team league, the team with the first pick, they pick first in round one, last or 20th is round two, and then first again, which is the 21st overall pick in round three. Here are the…
