From the course: The Data Game of Fantasy Football

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League decisions

League decisions

- [Narrator] Being a fantasy owner is about making good data decisions. Being the commissioner is about creating the environment for those decisions. As you launch your new league, here are perhaps your most important things to consider. First, who's in the league? Successful leagues are a community. Who do you want living in your community? Choose wisely or else you'll find yourself looking for replacements in the off season. Of course, you'll need an even number of owners. That makes it easy for each team to have one opponent every weekend. Next, the type of league. Is this is annual league where all teams lose their players at the end of the year? If so, what will you do to keep the bad teams interested in the final weeks? Or is this a keeper league? If so, what is the process for keeping players? Your rules will influence owners to make different decisions about the players that they choose. The type of league might also indicate the type of scoring. There's traditional scoring…
