From the course: The Data Game of Fantasy Football

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How fantasy football works

How fantasy football works

- [Narrator] New to fantasy football, or just want a refresher? Well, every fantasy football league is different, but here are some of the most basic elements of fantasy football. Usually, eight to 12 people each get a fantasy football team. They are the owners of their teams. Together these owners make up a league. Each weekend, the teams are paired up to compete in a game. Each team has a collection of NFL players. Each week, the team owner will pick a starting lineup from their collection of players. Only those starters picked by the owner will earn points based on their performance that weekend. The points for each team's starters are added up. And in any head-to-head matchup, the team with most points that week, they win. The other team, they get a loss. Near the end of the season, the teams with the most wins go to a playoff tournament. The team that survives the tournament is crowned the champion, leaving all others as losers for the season. So, to sum it up. Pick players…
